Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Not Leeds #2

Nope, not Leeds again.

That´s a bit of the Atlantic as seen from an area just near the one of swimming pools belonging one of the two poshest hotels on Madeira. We´re staying at the one where I took yesterday´s blip, which isn´t exactly shabby...

Don´t despair though - if you like my journal because of the grim, I did take some good grim pictures today but I need to faff about with them and haven´t got access to anything other than blip´s basic tinkering software, so when I´m back I´ll fiddle about and post them somewhere else.

Today involved:
- walk into Funchal
- mooch around the old town
- bit of rain
- discovery of a new bar that does excellent and cheap red wine
- cocktail
- lovely Portuguese meal

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