Some Days

By Euphemist

Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig Dig...


The new design for the walled garden for the Health Spa is starting to take shape, slowly.

It has involved the transportation of many, many tons of topsoil and we are about two thirds way through forming the new borders.

If you view large you will see my pride and joy, my American long-handled digging shovel, which for many years has saved me much backache and heartburn. 'British' spades, which are a relic of the industrial revolution and were designed for use in mines and quarries, being mass-produced and therefore cheap, became the digging tool of choice. They are not, however, ideal for gardening because the short handle gives a stooped posture causing backache heartburn (see above), and more seriously slipped disc and skeletal problems.

Ironically then, the blip also includes private treatment huts, which will include spa baths, massage couches and 'private facilities'

We are forbidden from calling them Shaggin' Cabins!

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