Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Day 28 Flowers

Well even though I went shopping today I forgot to pick up some actual flowers.

But I have got a top for the hen do I'm going to next weekend.
Just need to decide what to wear on my bottom half!!! well it's more a question of whether I can get into my skinny jeans after christmas? or not?
Tried a few pair of skinny jeans on when shopping but they were all a no go, my calves are a little to big for them it also doesn't help being 5ft! they are all way too long for me as well.

Anyway back to my flowers this book was rather important when I was studying for my wonderful degree and came in handy when I was doing my dissertation, there was a time I could identify any flower/plant!

Now no way I could do it would need to go back to the book.

Better day today in less of a grump/fugg think that is mostly down to not being in work and the prospect of a 4day week next week.

Tomorrow - Five

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