Giving this a go...

By Debiives


I went out into the garden this afternoon looking for something to take a photo of but there's nothing very interesting at all out there and it was a dull grey day.
These are a very small number of the logs that Ross chopped from these huge slices of tree. He's done 5 out of the 6 of them and there's probably a whole winter's worth of logs there (for next winter). We will need more though as they are popler which apparently don't burn brilliantly so we'll mix them with silver birch.
We're not even half way through this winter's log pile though and we know where there are plenty more to be found.

Did parkrun this morning and the shins felt good. Doing 6 miles (some of which will be on roads) tomorrow so fingers crossed they'll be ok then too. Must go and do my core exercises now actually.

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