A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

Parcel Post


Long, administrative day today dealing with a backlog of emails, mainly IAM Chairman and Quaker Treasurer matters. In the end I suspect I just filled up other people's email in-trays instead.

Weather grey. I wandered around to the building site at the back, the moderate size development with the pompous name "Great Kneighton". Gone are the days when 'great' is used with any meaning. It'll be interesting to see what a view of Parcel 16 shows in a year's time.

Gwyn & Paul came round making up six for games. Played Shadows over Camelot - a cooperative board game where the Knights of the Round Table (that's us) go off on quests (Holy grail, etc.). Generally we made a cooperative pigs ear of it, and lost.

Hmm - maybe that ought to be "Kneights" now...

Hmmmm - is parcel 16 a good place for a... SHRUBBERY!?

I'll stop now. (...and there was much rejoicing.)

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