A Bit Of Fresh Eyre

By DEyre


A load of absolutely wonderful sausages cooking under the grill. Definitely worth coming back for with a lump of mustard mash.

Having worked today as well as yesterday, this time packing up and sending hired lights back, I intended to get a photo of some cables or something, but never got round to it. As a result tonights dinner was what I resorted to.

As for the rest of tonight, I cannot be bothered to do anything productive; last night I got home at 4:15am, and as I type this Topgear is just finishing up, but as we don't have a TV License I'll watch it on iPlayer as soon as it becomes available.

One other thing that has made me go 'ahhhh!' this weekend was the discovery that my camera's clock was wrong. After attempting to upload yesterday's blip, it told me it was taken on Sunday, when the dancing finished at midnight. That's now changed and fixed, so no more problems of late night blips.

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