All things me

By KatiePie

It's an emergency food blip..

..which is better than a "STIIIIIILLLLL poorly" photo.
Oh my boy is not well. I DON'T LIKE IT.
I think he may have to revisit the Dr tomorrow despite being told to take him back in a couple of days if not better. Think there might be more symptoms to deal with by the morning. Did I mention I don't like it?

I'm sooooo sleep deprived. I'd forgotten what it's like to feel this groggy with it. I think the last normal (7 hours ish) night's sleep I had was Tuesday. On Thurs/Fri/Sat he was up more than every hour. I just existed in that half sleep mode for 3 nights where you get up, go back to bed, get up go back to bed and don't ever actually get proper kip. Blaaaargh. Enough of me.

Really quite worried about the little chap :(

Anyway. Dinner.
Pasta, salad drawer scraps, bit of chorizo that was kicking about.. some homemade tomato sauce that's seen better days..
I dumped grated cheese on top of it before I ate it too but it wasn't so photogenic after that.

Shall I shuuuuuuuuuuuuuushh now? Am waffling. Did I mention I was tired? ;o)

Oh, and I'm not thinking at all about how skint I'm going to be after all of these days off work. A reassessment of priorities may be required. P'raps.

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