There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera


Sometimes the loveliest things last only a few minutes.

Getting ready for work in the morning, I looked out the window, and then I ran for my camera. I took this photo while standing in the drive way just a few feet from my front porch.

Jet trails in the sky were rendered in pink via the dawn's rosy glow. It resembled fireworks (skyworks?), or maybe a tic-tac-toe game writ large upon the sky.

The effect lasted for only five or ten minutes, but it was really something to see!

I turned around to see my husband standing on the porch, holding our tabby cat. They were both watching the pink sky, and me.

Above our house was a big pink X in the sky: more sunrise on jet trails, of course. But, yes, apparently, sometimes X does mark the spot!

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