Too much vision?

8:30am, on the train to work.

Opted to run again this morning, rather than cycle. Looked a little like black ice and after recent slip-sliding incidents, I wasn't keen to find out.

So 1.5m to the station, 1 mile to work then 1 mile to the station and 1.5 to SiL's house. Five miles over the day is alright, I guess...

Work was okay, a little fraught at times, but delivered what was needed, when it was needed (although later discovered two flaws - a displaced page in a printed pack or 18 and an incorrectly-titled file on an iPad meant the right things weren't in place.

We live and learn.

It's partly the pressures of too much going on and not enough time to stop and check. Or maybe I don't make enough time to check.

Spent the evening ironing too. Which is not the best, but that's it done for the month, I hope.

This is one of those iPhone HDR photo moments where the three shots are out of kilter and the result is something way more interesting than the original subject.

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