Life Songs

By TenorSong

Barrel of Eggs

This is the footpath leading from the train station to my work. Nobody takes any responsibility for it, it is never gritted in winter, the leaves are left to rot, the weeds get run over with a mower once a year if they're lucky and all the rubbish that blows across central Scotland lands here and stays here forever.

This, however, is a new one. I have seen bicycles, boxes, bags, umbrellas (and there is currently a disgarded Christmas Tree) but a bin of eggs is different.

There is a chicken farm about a mile away, but you have to understand that this is an incredibly 'out of the way place' and I just can't get my head around why you would transport the bin there, walk at least 5-10 mins on foot to then dump the bin and smash all the eggs on the ground around it?!?

As this is an unwanted piece of land, I am sure the egg shells will stay there until they rot, (which they probably won't as they are likely to get frozen this weekend) and become a source of much tripping and slipping in the future.

Unless rabbits eat eggshells...

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