World (small)

You know how dreams feel really real, but what helps you realise they're not are all the daft half-baked coincidences? That.

Firstly, this is Dick, who stopped to ask if I needed a hand fixing my knackered bike. After lending me (but before eating) a 15mm spanner, I asked if I could blip him, leading me to explain what that meant, and him to presenting me with his card so I can send him a link. And from that it transpired that Dick works at British Waterways (as - I shit you not - a ranger) with a woman I used to sit one desk away from in my current job. Weird!

Then I walked round the corner and bumped into Bob the cat and his owner James flogging the Big Issue in Covent Garden. When I told James I had blipped Bob just over a year ago, James gladly informed me that this exact photo is the very one on Bob's TfL photocard. Kooky!

And then I saw Thom Yorke carrying three cups of coffee and a new pair of shoes. Bananas!

And then I ate some chips. Mental!

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