Snowy Sculpture

A few weeks ago walking into town past Stramongate Primary school we saw some tree surgeons working in the grounds but thought nothing more of it. Today in the snow I glanced over and noticed this marvellous sculpture which has been created (presumably from the remains of the tree?). A notice on the gate says that the original sycamore was diseased and had to be removed for safety.

This sculpture makes a beautiful replacement for the old tree. I found this article on the Westmorland Gazette web site about the work:

By Kate Proctor , Reporter

A PAIR of sycamore trees at a Kendal school have been given a new lease of life as art works for children.

The century-old trees that stood in the playground at Stramongate Primary School have been whittled down to create a seat with carvings of mushrooms and squirrels by chainsaw artist Andrew Levy, of Kendal's Crafty Wood.

Pupils helped him come up with the designs and watched him work for a week at school before the Christmas holidays.

School business manager Denise Noble said the parent teacher association decided to try to turn the trees into something for the children to play on after they were found to have the Ustinuna Deusta infection.

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