February's biggest storm

While Denver is often thought of as a snowy place in reality I'll let you in on a little secret. ....... Things are different here.

Yes It does snow in Denver but it often comes and goes throughout the winter. The Month of January saw a temperature range of 5(-15c) to 70(21C) degrees, this is actaully not that unsual for Denver.

Our high elevation sun is strong and the air heats and cools rapidly. There can be snow in the shade while it is 70 degrees in the sun.

Despite this I was surprised when this storm was forcasted to be so strong that it would break a record for the city of Denver for largest snowfall in the month of February. Well we blew the old record out of the water with 18 inches(45cm) of snow.

March by the way is the snowest month on average for Denver (last year we were in the running for the least snowest March on record, what will this year bring?)

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