Desert Island Disc, Luxury

So! You've heard my 8 chosen discs for my Desert Island Discs.
Here they are:

1. The Skye Boat Song, sung by Kenneth McKellar

2. Killing Me Softly, sung by Roberta Flack

3. The Lord's My Shepherd (23rd Psalm) sung by the choir of Beverley Minster to the tune of Crimond

4. Moondance by Van Morrison

5. Sweet Nightingale - Traditional Cornish Ballad sung by Jackie Oates

6. Gold by Spandau Ballet

7. Bruch's First Violin Concerto in G minor opus 26. The 2nd Movement (Adagio) played by Joshua Bell

8. Uprising by Muse

If I had to choose just one disc it would have to be Bruch's Violin Concerto.

On the radio programme guests are invited to choose a book to take with them. The Bible and the Complete Works of Shakespeare are already on the island.
I have deliberated long and hard over which book to choose. Should I go for an old favourite? Should I select something that provides information so I could create an opportunity to learn? Or should I go for something I've never read before.
Eventually I decided to choose the complete works of Charles Dickens. I have read very little by Charles Dickens, so this would provide an old favourite in Great Expectations, and there would be plenty of new reading to be enjoyed too.

Finally I have to choose a luxury item that is of no real practical use in helping me to escape. This was an easy choice:

Lipstick, and not just any lipstick.
Over the years I've bought many different colours and make of lipstick, but my favourite by far is Raisin by Max Factor - no 894.

Funnily enough today, when having lunch with friends, one reminded me of when we ran the London Marathon together. She finished before me, and when I ran in 10 minutes later she commented that my lipstick still looked perfect!
I always wear lipstick, so really I would count it as an essential rather than a luxury item. I wonder if I could take mascara too. I wear mascara each day as well as lipstick ...

Why not blip your own Desert Island Discs? I'd love to know your 8 favourite tracks. I have tagged mine DIDchal.

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