So that's where I left it!

Went to the woods today looking for a particular kind of lichen. Instead I found this old cauldron. It must be one of mine.

Ceridwen, a powerful figure in Welsh mythology, is always associated with a cauldron in which she mixes her magic brews. They bestow inspiration and wisdom. Her potions need to simmer for a year and a day before they reach full potency. That's a lot of time spent slaving over a hot cauldron. (Once she set young Gwion to watch it for her. But he got splashed with the mixture and all sorts of fun and games ensued.) Her cauldron also symbolises the womb - Ceridwen can put dead warriors in her pot and cook them back to life. She's a shape-shifter, a mother and a crone. Her culinary alchemy both creates and destroys.

I left this old cauldron in the woods as I have a few more like it at home. Excuse me now, I have some mushrooms to stew.

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