
A few months ago when the nextdoor neighbours cut down their Frangpani tree, a piece must have found its way into our property.

I was sorry when I realized that it had been cut down, but they were sprucing up the property for resale ...

A few weeks ago our gardener picked up this strange piece of tree limb that he had found behind the oak tree stump .. to the one side it had a few protruding minute leaves, no longer than three centimeters .. no roots visible.

We decided to put it into the ground, fortunately we knew which way was which, and it has ever since simply been a happy grower. The leaves have increased in size, ( about 12 - 15 cms) looks green and luscious! The limb has not grown much, but judging by the state of the leaves, I guess that will also follow.

So, comes next summer, we hope that there will be a few frangipani flowers - I did not mention that it was a few metres from our bedroom window, and we hope that the lovely fragrance will drift towards the house.

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