Diamonds and Rust

By diamondsandrust

Tulips in a Vase

This is all I have to offer for today - they caught my eye with the sunlight streaming into the sitting room this morning.

Most of the day spent working at the computer but at 4 pm I though sod it - I'm going out with the camera. There was a piece yesterday in the local paper and on the local news about a photographer using "light-painting" (i.e. a torch and long exposure) on coastal industrial remnant. I thought I'd like to try this (hence going out in the late afternoon gloom) and I had in mind to try it on a particular tree I know in some local woods. So I headed out up the hill encumbered with camera, lenses, tripod, and a big torch. Just as I got there my wife rang to say she'd forgotten here keys and was locked out of the house. So I trecked back down again, with no photos. Ah well, it had started raining anyhow. Another day.

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