Today's Special

By Connections

Birthday Dinner #1

My birthday isn't until next weekend, but today my children came up to celebrate with us, as they have other commitments then. Both are excellent cooks, but M wanted to be the one to make supper for us tonight and tomorrow.

It's a real pleasure for me to have someone else do that, as I make most of the meals for Phil and me. M and her brother, W, are vegetarian (W recently started eating fish occasionally), and tonight she made delicious enchiladas verde. I made a salad, and we finished the meal with slices of the Belgian chocolate truffle cake from Mount Bakery that I selected as my birthday cake. Phil posted a lovely photo he took of the festivities.

The festivities began shortly after we picked them up at the bus station, with an early lunch at the Old Town Cafe, one of our favorite places here. Afterward, we made a quick stop at home to drop off Phil and their bags, and I took some "drip blips" in the garden, just in case I didn't get another blip today.

M, W, and I then shopped for the supper ingredients, purchased some pansy plants at the nursery where W used to work when he was in college here, and ran several errands downtown, including a stop at Chocolate Necessities, where M and W had gelato.

We've had lots of good conversation about books, movies, food, and much more, and are looking forward to enjoying more time together on Saturday. They'll be leaving in the evening, so we'll have an early supper, again prepared by Megan, followed by more of that incredible cake, this time with Moet & Chandon Champagne, W's gift.

I'm enjoying spreading out my birthday celebration in this way and having time with three of the people I love most!

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