A Very Very Very Nice Man

This busker in Harrogate is just one of life's smiley people. He was full of beams and impromtu songs about people that walked past, everyone was stopping and smiling back. Lovely

I need some of this positive energy. I am so flat at the moment. I know why. I have felt unwell and I have been really stressed since November and have been keeping going on adrenaline. I thought after the courtcase that I would feel my worries had halved but I have found that TTTCNBMP at work is becoming a focal point for my worry. I KNOW and have complete faith that it will all get sorted but it's ramifications are hard to deal with at the moment and in all honesty other team members are stressed also. I have been showing all the symptoms of stress, my memory is poor and my concentration shocking. I am usually very sharp and on the ball and it bothers me that I am not. I have not had much emotional energy even for blip so please forgive the lack of comments.

I know it will all come back and this is part of life and we all have ebbs and flows. I absolutely know that happy days are only around the corner I am just stressed and flat now.

I have not been able to get out for a run for a while either so have very few inspiring blips at the moment and I know when I have taken a good shot that that lifts me.

Luckily from Weds I have 5 days to myself in which to recharge and get some excercise and I hope this will be a turning point. Am going to plan a few trips with friends to have something to look forward to.

I have faith in the universe and I know I can turn this around and I am wanting some stunning blips this week so blip gods if you can hear me, please throw some my way me and my camera are going to be waiting.

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