Some Days

By Euphemist

Another Dull Seaside Day

It has been a dull, overcast, smurry day today.

I went to pick my car up from the town centre along the cliff path, taking very dull shots of very dull cliffs and steely sea.

I met a friend and we talked for a while, so I was late retrieving the car and therefore late picking-up the Euphlette for a band meeting this afternoon.

While we were in the meeting, the clouds cleared and a golden light covered the land and seas! (Excuse me breaking into poetese for a sentence)

So after returning to Dunbar I popped down to the harbour, castle and cliffs for another snap session...

...only to discover, the streaks revealed by the brighter, clearer light, the absolute folly of trying to clean your own sensor!!!

This could be, quite literally, back to the drawing-board.

Across Belhaven Bay to North Berwick Law, with basalt sea stacks. From Dunbar Castle.

Big rocks

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