
By andrewmowat

E18 Error

Do you think these lads will finish the road for the Crown Prince's visit on Thursday...I think not.

My poor Canon IXUS has got an E18 Error.

Canon E18 error happens when the lens gets stuck while trying to extend. The camera will beep a few times and the LCD will display a little E18 in the lower-left corner. The lens gets stuck in the extended position, and refuses to move either to focus the lens or to retract when powered off. The problem usually happens because dirt or sand get into the lens mechanism - what do you expect I stay in the desert.

I have tried all the remedies, including bashing it off the floor, alas, the lens will now move, but still the error message.

I will pinch C's camera that I gave him a few weeks ago, as I don't want to hump the bigger Canon around, the iPhone is rubbish and I hate my BB.

Isn't technology great

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