nicely framed

we spent most of today at Avebury, this is a manor house the BBC have refurbished, the Nut liked it best of all National Trust houses as you are allowed to touch stuff and best of all try out the big red bed extensively. I think the nut would like a big red bed, its like going to sleep in a theatre. Not the best photo of the bunch, but lovely in its own way, I think.

After he'd exhausted himself jumping on molehills, and hiding behind very big stones we wended our way home via stonehenge (we didn't stop. I was raining heavily and part of the walkway was shut and you can see it perfectly well from the road and it doesn't cost you the price of a human kidney) and Mr Jim took me to the big Smyths toy store to celebrate all my dolls getting sold last night and waking up considerably richer.

The car is in the garage tomorrow, and if that doesn't steal all my money, I can order my Colin. I so hope I can :)

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