you saw it here first

Despite vaguely feeling like I ought to do something with all these photographs sitting around getting electronically virtually dusty on a growing number of hard drives I have so far failed to do anything much with anything apart from the printing off the odd picture of a keep left sign to stick on the wall (though for some reason it was moved and is now in the inside of the wardrobe door). It was therefore nice of someone else in a Flickr group to which I added the odd thing now and then to select one (albeit one from 2006 which I insisted on re-photographing using half-decent equipment) of mine for a wee exhibition they were organising. I swiftly got off my arse and filled-in (hurrah for all the extra processed crops I generate on a daily basis) the eleven-month Flickr-uploading backlog I had allowed to develop following conversion to RAW and chucked a few more into the selection pool of which one got in. It's nice seeing stuff printed and stuck on a wall, especially when properly printed by a proper printing-person following much skilled photoshoppery to minimise the noise and image-gak. Luckily the two other people I've bumped into before were there which made the whole turning-up-and-mingling thing mildly less traumatic.

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