Boy's Birthday After Girly Day.

Today was one of total adventure. Lie in this morning, followed by Joanne picking me up. Jo had a trauma on the way in which she was stopped for doing 30mph in a temp 20 zone....she flirted shamelessly with the policeman and mentioned her Dad (a policeman) and they let her away...clever girl, however I want it noted the fact she admitted immediatly that she knew she was in the wrong most likely helped too, and technically it's usually a 30!!!

After that we headed to Livingston for some fun, including a Wagamama lunch, clothes and girly girl shopping. Jo is more like a sister to me. Not normally my thing but we ended up make up shopping, this is something that I wear but we decided to take things up a notch. We also bought me a dress again something of a less regular appearance in my wardrobe. We then did coffee and more shopping. Yay for JOSE. On the way home we shamelessly put on Whitney's greatest hits and belted out those tunes.

Today is also my big bro's 28th Birthday, he is really starting to feel old, well this is what all of his comments all night led us to believe. He is a wonderful guy who has had us in stitches at dinner all night, but I think this year he needs to take a chill and relax about about this "number". His fear is that if he doesn't go travelling soon then he never do it I say.

We ate in Loch Fyne tonight, this is the chef cleaning at the end of the night. Ma Familia were all reluctant models as ever, no matter how much I try to persuade them that there is such a thing as a delete button. Poor Boy's luck was not in however, every item he ordered was off the menu, on all three courses...oh well, we'll just have to go back again some time. Thanks to my bro for selflessly giving up his creme brulee, there were only 2 left and my mum and I had also ordered one. Thanks Boy x

Love my family even if getting to dinner tonight seemed to be a bit of a fuss and bother, ce la vie they still rock. Special big love to my Daddio cos I know he's reading this x

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