
This is my sad face?!

This morning my owner, Ann, went to work. I stayed 'home alone' to wait for the postie. Normally I don't like the postie. If he comes anywhere near my house I go ballistic and do my fiercest barking to scare him away.

However, as today is 'Valentine's Day' I thought he might bring me something nice so I'd made up my mind to be very calm and well behaved when he brought my cards. I wasn't even going to do the tiniest little woof?!

But do you know what? ..................................... The postie didn't come to our house today.

I am so, so, so, sad! I thought Ozzy, my gorgeous golden retriever toyboy, would at least have sent me an invite to go and play on the beach with him?!

But NO?! I have no card, no chocolates, no dinner invitation and no beach play invite. I am sad! Does Ozzy not love me any more?

Ann says not too worry ................................ she still loves me?! In fact she loves me every day, not just Valentine's Day.

So tonight I'm going to cuddle up with Ann and watch 'East Enders & Big Fat Gypsy Weddings'!

Happy Valentine's Day blippers! xxx

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