My Year in Pictures

By jenny

Don't come too close ..

Very funny watching Bill and this cat this morning.

She's taken to coming into our garden quite a bit and teases Bill mercilessly by parading up and down outside the window.

Occasionally I've not realised she's there and when I've let him out there's been a mad chase across the grass.

However this morning, when he wouldn't come in when I called and I went to find him, I found the two of them together. Bill was obviously really excited - the tail was going nineteen to the dozen and the odd wee squeak was coming from him - whereas she was chilled and relaxed and kept on stretching out on the table!

But definitely on the alert though, as if he came a wee bit too close this was the look she gave him. The claws would also come out and Bill would jump several paces back.

She's definitely the boss!

Edit: Another neighbour has just told me her name is Mabel! Thanks Tony!

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