I had a film that I took last Feb which I wanted to double expose. So I kept it for a year on my bed side table and re-shot it this Feb. (The building was todays photo, The flowers are last year).
I got up late but ended up doing so much... Did my washing, tidied the kitchen, washed up, swept, mopped, put my washing out. Then we (Rosie, Graham & I) went for a walk along the river to the bottom of St. Catherines and round back into town. It was really nice actually. As I was walking into town Marianne text me to say she was visiting Winch... So we perfectly timed a coffee meet up, which was lovely seems I havn't seen her in ages.
Then back home after picking up my films. I went straight to G&P's to eventually make drop scones and watch Matilda... which I lamely quoted throughout the film. Oh and GT came round.

On the whole a amazingly good day.

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