
By Regine

Make way, make way!

After a very disappointing visit to the orthopedic surgeon (he can't help me or relieve me from the pain, just some more physiotherapy...) I cycled around Tilburg for a while.

I passed the park where I broke my leg when I was 6 (that's about 23 years ago, hooray!). I can remember that day very well, as I broke my leg in the early afternoon and was carried around for the rest of the day (me and my sisters had a choir recital in a nursing home), only in the evening I was taken to the hospital, on the back of a bike... :)

After I made some photo's at the park I went to a second hand shop to buy some carnival accessories, and noticed these birds sitting on the sign. They looked very cute in my opinion, couldn't choose between this photo and this one for today's blip. I also really liked the one I made in the park... I shouldn't make all these nice photo's, it is so hard to choose! ;)

By the way, did you know smelly socks are forbidden in Tilburg? (at least, that is what I made from the sign...). Some people I know should think twice about going to Tilburg then!! ;)

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