Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Waiting for my nails to dry....

I whipped the tulip from the vase,placed upon craft paper... carefully removed camera from bag,took a torch from the 'bits and pieces' drawer and set to work...... now I am lying on my bed uploading photo...myself and Mr W are off out tonight for something to eat and also then after dinner drinks with some friends.Hence blipping earlier.I managed all of the above without knocking my nails..... hurrrahhhh.
It's a bit on the quiet side here today.... after having a house full... I was a little bit fed up this morning with the Uptons gone..... for the record the kids were all asleep by 10.30 the other night and stayed in bed till roughly 11am the next day,cannot complain about those sort of house guests can you :D
Random fact of today...I am reading Lee Child's book The Affair.....
next random fact,Chick lit as it is described makes me murderous... ohhhhh come to think of it,there is not an awful lot on this planet that does NOT make me murderous.

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