Mouse's eye view...

Firstly I just wanted to day a very big thank you for all the kind comments on my 500th yesterday - I will try to get around to thanking you individually, but it may take several days, particularly as I'm trying to limit my time on here!! It was quite scary doing a self-portrait, as I much prefer to be the hidden person behind the camera, but I'm glad I made the effort now!

After packing Alex off to Newcastle to spend the weekend with a very close friend who's at Uni there, I had a quiet day catching up with some administration, stocking the food cupboards and doing a bit of gardening. The mild weather has certainly brought on the flowers, and I decided to try and get a mouse's eye view of the snowdrops before they're over.

I actually used my old compact camera for this, as it is smaller and can fit right under the flower. I couldn't actually see what I was doing, so took a number of shots and just hoped for the best. I have to admit I was quite pleased with the effect I achieved - a slightly different take on a familiar subject.

I took the dogs for a brisk walk round Ferry Meadows late this afternoon. The ducks are all paired up, and I watched one couple head bobbing to each other in a very sweet manner. They were obviously compatible as this led to a brief pairing. There'll be ducklings around before long!

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