This could be the start of something good.

Not the photo, the journey. The photos will take more time to get any better, I'm too impatient and it was reet brass-monkey weather out there today.

For more years than I care to remember Ooer Lass has had an aversion to B-road travel any faster than a push-bike and vastly prefers Motorways to get from A to B. Unfortunately when the A in question is Penrith and the aforementioned B is Buttermere, or Crummock Water, they've not got round to Honister or Newlands motorways.

So. Anyway. First stop Keswick. Saw the carpark and thought Keswick had been closed due to lack of interest, I've never seen so many spaces on a weekend.


The bloody cafe was so full we couldn't get a seat, still I suppose prawn butties and salad's a sight healthier than the All-day breaky I had me sights on.
Next stop Honister top, brew, look around, fancied this trip (Page not found) but I don't think I'll get away with it, or else I'm on my own. Might do the mine tour though. Down t'other side, along the valley and up over Newlands pass.

I was saying the photography will take time to improve, I am slowly trying to crow-bar myself out of the Pointy shooty rut, but it's HELLISH DEEP!

I did mean to ask if anybody could identify the distant pointy heap? I guessed mebbe Barf, till I saw a map and kinda sighted down Newlands and guessed Blencathra, then I saw a photo as a Google result which sortof implied Causey Pike.
Second pair of photos I suspect I may be inferring over much.

YER WHAT?!?!?!

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