The Wren

By TheWren

In a parlous state...

....when it all came tumbling down!

About a week ago customers of the Royal Bank of Scotland in the town couldn't gain access to their bank and a notice pinned to the door stated that it had been forced to close suddenly.

The neighbouring building, to the right of the Bank, is known as the Drummond Arms and had long been a thriving hotel in the town but sadly it has now been sitting empty for quite a few years. As well as being a beautiful building architecturally, It has historical interest for the town being the building where Prince Charles Edward (Bonnie Prince Charlie), after reviewing his forces, held a stormy council of war (3 Feb. 1746). As with many derelict buildings the Drummond Arms has been broken into, used as a squat and in the last few weeks vandalised. Every single millimetre of copper pipe has been stolen, notwithstanding the fact that these were mostly water pipes and the water was still turned on! The offices of the Royal Bank of Scotland are on the ground floor underneath one of the main function rooms and once the water burst forth, the ceiling caved in. To make matters worse, it appears that asbestos has also now been discovered and so not only can the bank not be used but the staff cannot even get access to fill the "hole in the wall" or empty the night safe boxes previously used by businesses. In fact one member of staff was heard to comment that you could only gain access to the building if you were wearing a mask ....... now that's an ironical twist!

So the mobile bank had now been parked outside the beleaguered office while a more "permanent" portacabin is being constructed in a nearby car park to accommodate staff, computers and customers so that business can continue as near to usual as possible.

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