Of Euxine / Resi to live.

By IAtkinson

Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye

Carefully searching for words that will not inflict
A discomfort a hurt a loss of self respect.

You smile
And you smile and you
Walk with me away from the heart
It's emptiness emaciated
A cruelly leaning cistern careening
My long jointed tendons creaking
My clutching hands leading
Stony arms cross your
Smooth speckled love-bitten flesh
I carry your womb in my open rigid jaws
Embracing your throat dreamily
Choking you
Throttling, the most unclean tear at your
Robed memories a clasp a locket a ring
At your neck and hair a persistent air of need
Moon of mortal coil without
The breath of life
Is that coke you inhale to help me subdue you?
Insurance against lively struggle not you struggle not against this
Alas! a swoon escapes you
A swoon darling breath against a chest
Hampered bloodless in sight and blinded caress
Careless embrace with your hips thrust them
Up, personified innocence abated recoil
In your eyes carefully tearful reflecting bated nipples flex
Our clothes like slothful skins draped and strewn grossly revealing
Garish eyes blush, a glove upon our glance
Upon another gloved fingers clasp
Perspiration does not count I need
You come to cry out to yourself you croon madly resplendent with memory.
In your wanton desire to be mistreated you call me
Lover I love you love you
Love the way
You love me,
Do you love me..?

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