The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm


This puffed up pigeon was perched on a rail beside the Avon in Chippenham town centre. Pigeons and doves seem to come in many shapes and colours but there are relatively few types in the UK. The commonest is probably the rock pigeon, a type which includes feral pigeons, arising from domestic breeds that have returned to the wild. This one appears to me to look similar to the stock dove from which they originally derived.

The scene on the bank of the river involved several pigeons and a pair of white doves as well as a number of swans, cygnets and black-headed gulls. I had to disappoint the swans who were sure that my camera bag was full of tasty morsels that I was about to share.


Blip #639
Consecutive Blip #060
Day #699

Welcoming Committee
Throwing Some Shapes
Throwing Some Shapes #2

Lens: Pentax 17-70 mm

One year ago: Mahonia

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