Havendienst (Port Service)

It wasn't such a spectacular day. In the newspaper was an article about the rise of Biker Babes. These are women motorcyclists. They venture into the until now ultimate male bastion.

I took my Bike Friday and cycled with my camera to the Maasboulevard. I hoped to shoot a biker babe. The weather conditions were okay for motorcyclists. I saw a lot of them but I couldn't recognize one biker babe. Was a bit disappointing ... ;)

I passed the Leuvehaven where three ships of the port service were moored. The ship on the right, 'Havendienst 20', was constructed in 1941 as a motor tugboat and from that time on service in the Port of Rotterdam.

The ship in the middle, 'Havendienst 2' had as most important task to escort large ocean steamers and, where necessary, services as an ice-breaker or a fire boat. This ship is part of a fleet of port service vessels that dominated the image of the Rotterdam harbour between 1950 and 1990.

About 'Volharding 1' I coild find no further information.

So, no challenging biker babe today. But I think these ships can also give colour on a grey, cloudy day ... ;)

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