
By astudyinscarlet

festivals #11 & blip #100

woohoo! made it to 100 *and* it's another festival blip! multi-tasker, that's me. the sign is not very interesting (it's the methodist central hall, hence the FBYO poster on the right-hand side, covering the magners cider waffle that you see on the other venue signs around the city). but it's 100, so i could really not give a stuff.

i might not be any better a photographer in one way from three months on blip, but for one i look harder and for two i actually take out my camera more, rather than just saying 'oh that'd be a nice pic', which i did even when i got the new baby and went on to carrying a camera always. here's hoping for better pix in the future.

thanks to all who've looked, commented and subscribed, it means a lot for complete strangers to say they like my pix (friends are *supposed* to be nice about them!).

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