Clever collie

During the last few weeks I've been having problems with my joints at night time. If I lie in one position for a while I'm a bit stiff when I get up.

Ann has been worried about me so she spoke to the vet. He said it might be the start of arthritis and suggested I try taking some tablets. Ann doesn't really want to stuff me full of pills but she's trying me on 'Yumove' for a couple of months. I have to take two pills every day.

I have devised a very clever cunning plan when I have my pills.

What happens is .................................... Ann mixes them in with my breakfast and dinner. At first I was just gobbling them up with my meals.

Now what I do is ................................. I eat everything apart from the tablet. Then I gaze up at Ann with my big brown eyes and give her my very best 'appealing look'. Then Ann hand feeds me the tablet with a little bit of my favourite treat which is cheese.

Aren't I a clever collie???!!!!!!!!!!

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