Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


I took Henry into work today. I had to get my smartcard updated and discuss some pay issues but it was nice to see everyone and although it will be difficult I'm looking forward to going back. Only 6 weeks to go now!

Henry has been very interested in food today to make up for yesterday. He had his usual fromage frais for breakfast with a scotch pancake, then half a pitta bread with tzatziki for lunch but was still hungry! I ended up giving him one if the many Ella's pouches my mum bought and he had half at lunchtime and half for tea, with a chunk of melon for pudding. He loves melon, it's one of the few foods he tries to chew - as seen in today's blip!

He's also been good at drinking water - he used to get really excited and jump up and down and spill it everywhere until he choked on some 2 days ago. Since then he's concentrated and drank it carefully, but has been very pleased with himself afterwards! I hope nursery don't mind too much that he can't drink from a sippy cup, an open one is messier but he's already much better at it than he was a few weeks ago.

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