
By 5nations

Glorious Day!

It's an absolutely glorious day today. Complete blue sky and sunshine, still a bit parky but that doesn't matter.

Our neighbour popped over the other day... i've re-named her 'the tree hater'!
We've got quite a big garden but theirs is twice the size... huge, and when they moved in 2 years ago they cut every tree down in their garden.
Their choice, their garden!
They then got the sewage works that kind of joins on to a bit of their garden over the far side to cut all their conifers down.
She popped over the other day to ask if we could cut our conifers back as for 5 minutes at a certain time of day in a certain part of the year 1 of our conifers casts a shadow through their window.
Next time she comes over she's gonna get the 2 fingered salute and frog marched off our property.
No tree is now safe in Newport as far as i'm concerned and I haven't slept since because i've been guarding our beautiful silver birch with a shot gun!!

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