Journey Through Time

By Sue

Fill 'er up and Fix 'er

Yesterday my husband went to the Train Show. This was the "biggie" that only comes around once every 5 to 7 years. He had a good time, but I opted not to join him so he could browse at his leisure and I wouldn't have to have overload fit with the crowds. However, we were out playing with his train set and he was showing me some stuff. Anyway, this is part of his set up. Most of the buildings he has are by Walthers and they do the most wonderful buildings. The character and detail are amazing and they are on all sides of the building, including the rear. They come up with cute names like this, too. So far we are calling his village, Ebayville because most of his things he has gotten from e-Bay.

The weather isn't quite as wild as yesterday except for a few instances, I guess. I was talking with my auntie on the phone and the sun was breaking through at my house and she said it had started to snow at her house. I don't think it lasted long, but that just shows our current cold unstable weather going on at the moment. Tomorrow is supposed to be about the best day of the week, and I have a car. Whoo hoo. Have no idea what I will do with that set of circumstances but watch this space.

Hope you had a good weekend Blippers. See ya later!!

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