Brave Blue World

By OlliEcological

A love supreme.

Allium sativum otherwise known as garlic. This lot got mashed just after the blip was taken, and added to the chile I just made.

I love it. I love it. I love it. I just can't get enough of that wonderful pungency. It goes into absolutely everything I cook - soup, chile, curry, stirfry etc . I rub cloves on toast in the morning and on Ryvitas at night. If I could wear it as aftershave, I would. Google "garlic breath" and all you get is ways of avoiding it. Bollocks! Contrary to this misguided popular opinion, I find garlic breath an extremely pleasant trait in a person.

The French chef Louis Diat put it dramatically; "Without garlic I simply would not care to live." I reckon I could live, but I'd be miiiiiiighty pissed off.

I've not even mentioned the beneficial health properties. I need not. You're all clever folks, but the fact that something this good can be healthy... well it's almost too much.

Unfortunately, my waking this morning heralded the appalling site (not to mention feeling) of a balloon-knee. Despite a day of Ibuprofen I still can't extend my left leg fully, nor bend it past 60 degrees. I cannot think what I did to it - I was gentle at cricket nets, only walked a couple of miles over the weekend and did the aforementioned digging at the allotment last night. Nowt to make it feel like it currently does. I'm afraid it's monumentally depressing.

To cheer myself up, I'm watching Blazing Saddles. The farty campfire scene never ceases to crack me up.

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