Spare Tyres and Other Wobbly Bits

Seeing as the tyre from said tractor is lurking in the field it doesn't seem that they'd be in a rush to tow anyone off. Also there was no mention at all of big fat blipper's bums blocking the gate so I took my chance and skulked and generally was a photography pest in front of the gate. Not one single solitary farmer came along to tell me off.. I ask you what IS the point in being a nuisance if you don't get told off for it!!

After this, there was an afternoon of spreadsheets and more prep for the big big big meeting ( part two ) on Friday of TTTCNBMP.

A good run this evening and a chilled night ahead

All is well ( apart from accidentally listening to Simply Red on the radio today which led me to almost accidentally cut off my own ears with a blunt knife)

A much more acceptable red , Anthony Kiedis is after all very easy on the eye an incredibly talented vocalist.

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