Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Making our first raised bed at the railwaystation

It was a project we had considered for quite a while, so as the weather was kind to us , this cold but dry morning, the five of us turned up at the railway station to make a start. Margaret appeared for a while then returned home to catch up on housework.
I took the photos and helped carry wood, but the men did all the heavy carrying, and drilling the planks of 8 by 2 into place for the framwork of the raised beds. In the photo are Colin, Ian , Mark and Keith.
We are going to be growing vegetables on a piece of rough ground behind the station platform. We have just about enough funding thanks to the work of Ian, our Prospects Foundation Local Food Growing Officer.
I feel hopeful that working organically and as far as we can, in tune with Mother Nature, good produce will grow and then we will offer it to the people who use the station. We were also inspired by Incredible Edible in Todmorden. What fun on Leap Day.
It is a leap of faith!
It is an exciting adventure, and Accrington Railway station has been doing this for about eight months and it is successful.

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