Young Hearts are Foolish, They make such mistakes

This monster took landed and then took off, approximately 400 metres from my window today.

I always prepare myself when the big planes are taking off, or buzzing about generally; I figure if I run thru to the warehouse, I can hide under the table tennis table, and it might afford me some protection.

However, after the lovely chappies I work beside, disected this plane to day, I figured there was no bloody point in being prepared. If this thing was going to land on me, if would, and no table tennis table was going to stop it. Apparently this type of plane is most likely to crash. Nice. Where they get their information from, I'm not sure, but they are boys, and I'm a girl, so I believe them.

I decided that I would go outside to experience the noise, and the wind - it had been a while since I've done that; not that I typically do it willingly; when it does happen, its because some bloody plane has landed right behind me when I've been looking for birdies to photograph.

The Vibration and noise are something to behold tho - and when they rev the engines, it makes your body shudder so much, you giggle helplessly.

The size of this thing horrified me tho - Look at the wheels in the back section - It's like a flipping articulated lorry. I stood and watched til it took of - I had serious concerns that it wouldn't, and I think it took the whole two miles of the runway to get there... But take off it did, and sail off into the clouds. Wonder if it's got back to Russia yet?

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