Snips and Snaps


Dreich !

Soft but persistent rain met me on arrival at Rivington to meet up with a friend who is also coming back from injury and was happy to have a walk/run outing. Spotted a reasonably interesting tree stump with a varied selection of funghi and decided to get snapping. Huge selection of snaps from this activity and thought well that's probably it for the day. Threw the camera in a waterproof sac inside the rucsack and didn't think it would see the light of day on the hill. Quite cold on the tops and running in cloud so no chance there, but spotted a chance to catch a few pics of this lonesome tree when the rain wasn't so heavy. Captures the atmosphere of the morning, all in all a pretty dreich day, but a tentative 8.5 miles of slow running and I'm happy with that. Didn't want to overdo it so left my running partner to carry on to do a proper run and slowly made my way back to the start. Signs of recovery at last :)

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