
By papertiger

Food for thought at TEDxGlasgow

After lots of thought-provoking talks at #TEDxGlasgow today, I have decided to try to commit to a photo journal in earnest.

Highlights from the day included Mike Small's The Local Food Revolution, Murray Watts' On hope & hopelessness and Joe Tree's Creating a collective human history.

One of the most striking images today was from Donald Clark's talk about pedagogic change and technology where he showed us a slide of the faces of 13 people who are at the forefront of the online world ... youtube, wikipedia, twitter ... and all men. Are there really no women leading on technology worthy of note? I'd like to know the answer to this.

One of my favourite parts though was a video of artist Raghava KK who spoke recently at a TED event in Edinburgh. He spoke about teaching children multiple perspectives, and it is this idea of belonging, acceptance and community spirit that I shall think on further in relation to my work with communities of young people across Scotland.

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