Wellington (Almost) Daily

By JuSteph

Lafayette Park, San Francisco

I didn't feel like lugging my good camera around San Francisco today. None of the pics I took with my camera phone were "good". But the time I spent in Lafayette Park waiting for my daughter to come out from an appointment was one of my favorite times of the day. The weather was perfect. 72 degrees (22 C). I'm not sure the tourists appreciated how lovely it was. The summer is generally much cooler. The best weather is on select days in late winter/early spring.

This little park near Nob Hill was filled with people enjoying the sun. I'm sure most of them were residents. There were a lot of young women in bikinis. But the best part was all the dogs having a play day. They were brought by their owners and turned loose. I watched one little terrier who was so excited to be set free. He ran up to a group of dogs and waited to be noticed. He seemed so vulnerable, waiting to see if he would be accepted and wagging his little tail. Another dog approached him and started a game of chase. The little terrier was so happy. It was a joyful scene.

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