Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


I set off this morning knowing that I wanted to take a photo of the new painting viewpoint, but passed these lovely daffodils on the way. I've always liked the brickwork on those buildings, too, so now I have an excuse to photograph them.

Although it was a lovely sunny day, my feet took me in to the sheriff courts to see the summing up of the trial of a Famous Rugby Person. I love listening to people who can talk for an hour about an incident that lasted a couple of minutes. I'd hate to be in the jury, as I found myself not concentrating and probably missing something vital. Will check up on the verdict in tonight's paper.

Continued on my mission to painting viewpoint. It was from the top of Princes Mall, but there seems to be a temporary hoarding/wall right round and so I had to clamber up on to a wall (not a pretty sight) to get a marginally better view. I say marginally better, as I had to hold the camera away up above my head and just point it in the general direction, into the sun, the buildings in shadow, so the result was not fit for viewing. Hence the daffodils.

But I did establish that the big black rectangle in the middle of the painting, which I thought was maybe the artist getting fed up and just filling in the last bit (artistic licence) was in fact, a fact. Determined to find out where it was, I walked up Cockburn Street, pleased to see several litter picker uppers out in force, and got to the High Street, but couldn't locate the big black hole anywhere. It's too big for a close. But what/where is it? Maybe an Edinburgh blipper can tell me.

All that exercise was tiring, so I used my bus pass (love it!) to get back home. My feet took me into to my favourite cafe, Freeman's, to carry out my exhaustive tests on their coffee. I've had a Very Passable Flat White there on 5 occasions. This is promising, as I've been searching far and wide in this town, and beyond, for a decent coffee. They also do Very Good Cakes, but I find if I don't look at them, I'm not tempted.

3:30pm. I note that the Famous Rugby Person has been found Not Guilty. Just as well - we need him in the rugby team this weekend!

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