Don't Touch

Bags (formally known as daughter) wasn't well today so despite her being off work we still had to look after the Cygnet.

After I had been to the dentist we headed off to get petrol (it is no joke when both cars need filled within 24 hours. I am glad they both have pretty small tanks).

Then to pick up a parcel from the sorting office - not the canvas pictures that are on order and have been since mid January ........ I think a phone call is required tomorrow.

After that it was off to the Registrars office to get a new birth certificate for No1 son.
He has lost his original and needs it for various things - mainly wedding related.

That is where the Cygnet wanted to play with the decorations.
And No.... it wasn't him that removed the missing petals.

On to the Center where he was going wild and running everywhere like a mad thing (on his reigns so he couldn't get away).
He was really chuffed with himself when he found that he could reach the buttons to call the lift and select the required floor by standing on tiptoes ....... and he didn't try pressing all the other ones either.
I had my glasses tightened and straightened up - after 'somebody' had been at them.

Camera club was good and bad tonight ...........
Good - my leading an evening of critiquing members work (I say good because it seemed to get a lot of people talking and getting involved)
Bad - There is a large reflector missing from the darkroom. We have suspected for some time that somebody has been using the studio equipment without permission but it now appears that something has been stolen). Tomorrow I will be changing the lock on the door and giving a key to the office staff. I think the culprit has a key as the last committee had 6 keys cut and passed out but I only know where 3 are.

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