Punk Rock Zoologist

By CaptVickHartnel

Pied currawong (Strepera graculina)

I was out with the Faithful Hound again today when I saw more of the black and white birds I've been seeing around recently. After a little research online I discovered they are pied currawong (Strepera graculina), a species quite common to all of Eastern Australia, but one I hadn't seen around here until quite recently. It's most likely that their recent appearance here is due to the Boroondara council's recent efforts to plant more natives and boost native wildlife populations. A few years ago the pond in the park was little more than a dried up mud puddle surrounded by a few scraggly trees, now it's more reminiscent of a small native wetland. It's very nice to see such a change, and so much more biodiversity. The level of community involvement is great to see too.

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